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It is the objective of Las Point Nigeria  Limited to satisfy the quality and delivery requirements of our customers at competitive prices.

We will measure our performance in meeting customers’ requirements and work with them to continually improve the service that we provide.

In order to achieve this objective, the company will maintain an effective and efficient Quality Management System based upon the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. In particular, the management will:

  •  Monitor and measure the effectiveness of our business processes and company objectives through our Management Reviews and Internal Audit Processes
  •  Monitor customer satisfaction and set objectives for continual improvement
  •  Analyse the causes of any complaint and take appropriate action to prevent recurrence
  •  Ensure the availability and competence of the support resources for the core processes
  •  Ensure that the company provides its services to all clients equally, without discrimination on the basis of colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin
  •  Provide the necessary work environment to ensure the wellbeing of our employees and visitors
  •  Encourage all employees to identify problems and make suggestions to improve all aspects of our working practices. These will be considered by senior management and appropriate actions taken and communicated
  •  Ensure that all employees are aware of our Quality Policy and committed to the effective implementation of our Integrated Management System
  •  Ensure that the company complies with all necessary regulatory and legal requirements The achievement of our quality objectives and continuous improvement is fundamental to all activities carried out within our company and must be practiced by all employees as an integral part of their daily work


Las Point Nigeria Limited

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